Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 25, Sunday 9th March. Balladonia

Day 25

Sunday 9th March




The alarm rudely awoke us at around 2:30am. I knew we should get up and ride, but it was just so hard to rise from sleep. I knew that Harv didn’t mind hearing me press the snooze button around 4 times before resetting he alarm or another 30 mins of sleep. Unfortunately when we finally rose to start riding again, the moisture in the air had wet alll of the gear we had left out on the picnic table where we were cooking. But we packed it all up anyway and hit the road. We had about 110kms to get to Balladonia, and we were still on the 90 mile straight section of road.

The riding became monotonous. Harv was still falling asleep at the wheel. We were freezing cold. And there wasn’t a lot of motivation apparent, apart from the fact that when we get to Balladonia, it meant we could sleep. Eventually the sun rose to warm us up, as well as help us stay awake. The ride felt like an eternity. It was so nice to turn a corner after the 90 mile straight. The road had been improved and it was a bit smoother for riding on, but the hills started to undulate again closer to Balladonia.

Finally we made it to Balladonia. We hit up the shop at the Roadhouse and hopped into some ice creams first for some reason. I was stoked to see that there was a self-serve breakfast cereal bar with the most massive bowls. I filled a huge bown of cereal for $4 and couldn’t wie the grin off my face. It was hot outside but we set up tents, and had a swim in the pool at the caravan park. Again sleep time had arrived. I woke up fter around 5 hours of sleep but Harv was still going strong.

I realised I had broken 4 spokes during our ride in the night, so decided to fix those as best as I could. I actually did a great job and managed to get the wheel running quite straight considering some of the bending I had to do to the spokes to get them in the rim. I washed some of the bowls we had used the night before and then went back to bed.

At about 11:30pm I woke up and remember that the roadhouse closed at 12, so I wke Harv and told him we should go get some supplies so we can keep riding. We got up and had some food. Once again I had another massive bowl of cereal, because you cant really get better value than that. I was still tired and decided to sleep for another hour or two before hitting the road. So we both went back to bed.

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